
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Game Day Cheats

Here are the Game Day Cheats.
Below are the complete cheats you will need to the new club penguin: Game Day Nintendo Wii Game. First of all, here is a screenshot of what the club penguin Nintendo Wii game case looks like:

Club Penguin Game Day Cheats

About Club Penguin Game Day

Club Penguin Game Day is the first ever Nintendo Wii video game to be based on our favorite online virtual world – Club Penguin. Here is a little bit of background information about Club Penguin Game Day.
In Club Penguin Game Day, you compete in a total of 12 different games, each with multiple levels and difficulties. Some of these games include Snowball Battle, Puffle Paddle, Bean Balance, Java Jump, and Feed a Puffle. As you might already be able to notice, some of these games are based on actual Club Penguin mini-games!
The whole game is focused around Club Penguin games and challenges. With 3 different modes to play on, you have a lot of choices when deciding what you want to play! In Story Mode, you can conquer islands by competing in a series of 4 different games in a row. If you do good during these 4 games, you will be able to conquer an island! In Quick Play, you can play your favorite Club Penguin Game Day games with friends very easily! There is also Tournament Mode, which is similar to Quick Play, except with 4 different series of games.

Club Penguin Game Day Unlock Items Online Code

When you purchase Club Penguin Game Day, there is a special code on a small card that allows you to unlock exclusive Club Penguin Game Day Items online! Here is what the card code looks like:
Club Penguin Game Day Cheats
Here is how to unlock your exclusive Club Penguin Game Day background items:
1. Go to and log on to your penguin account.
2. Do not pick a server. Click on the Unlock Items Online button.
Club Penguin Game Day Cheats
3. Click on the “I have a code” button and enter the code on your card.
4. Once you click on the “Done” button, you will be able to login with your new backgrounds!
Club Penguin Game Day Cheats
Enjoy your Club Penguin Game Day background on your online Club Penguin account!

Club Penguin Game Day Games & Challenges

In Club Penguin Game Day, there are 12 different games and challenges that you can compete in. When you start playing Club Penguin Game Day at first, not all of the games are unlocked! To unlock all of the games, you must first complete Story Mode and unlock more games as you conquer different zones. We will get more into conquering zones later, but first here is a full list of all Club Penguin Game Day games:
Goal! Move around and try to score goals in other players’ nets. Avoid getting pucks scored into your own net!
Snowball Battle Pick up and throw snowballs at other players. Try to not get hit by a snowball.
Rollin’ Riot Roll up a ball of snow as much as you can and try to avoid getting it stolen by other players.
Bean Balance Balance bags of beans across the room and run back. The more bean bags you carry over, the better.
Java Jump Race against other players around the track. Avoid the obstacles around the track by jumping over them.
Sled & Slide Race down the snow and collect coins as you go down. Avoid obstacles by tilting your Wii remote.
Sumo Smash Knock other players off the Ice Berg and try to avoid getting knocked off.
Dance Off! Do different kinds of dance moves with your remote and compete against other players.
Fast Freeze Try to freeze your penguin as the referee turns around and looks at you.
Puffle Paddle Keep the puffles up in the air for as long as you can. You are penalized if you let one go.
Feed a Puffle User your bag of O’ Berries to feed all the puffles that come by.

Club Penguin Game Day Stamps

You can earn a total of 14 different stamps on Club Penguin by completing certain tasks in Club Penguin Game Day. Completing these tasks on Club Penguin Game Day allow you to earn stamps online on Club Penguin! All of these stamps are categorized by their level of difficulty – Easy, Medium, Hard, and Extreme. Here is a full list of all Club Penguin Game Day stamps by the category of their difficulties.
Club Penguin Game Day Cheats


Red Win: Conquer the island as Team Red.
Blue Win: Conquer the island as Team Blue.
Green Win: Conquer the island as Team Green.
Yellow Win: Conquer the island as Team Yellow.
Remote Upload: Upload another penguin to your Wii remote.
White Puffle: Feed a white puffle in Feed a Puffle.


Name: Conquer the Island
Description: Conquer the island as each team.
Name: Puffle Paddle
Description: Play 4-player mode without dropping any puffles.
Name: Bean Balance
Description: Balance 30 bags in a 4-player game.


Name: Collector
Description: Collect all the items.
Name: 2 Vs. 2
Description: Come first in all 2 vs. 2 matches.


Name: Sumo Smash
Description: Win a 4-player game without being knocked out.
Name: 2 Vs. 2 Max
Description: Win all 2 vs. 2 matches against the Wii at hard level.
Name: Goalie
Description: Win a game without letting a puck in your net.

Conquering Zones in Club Penguin Game Day

The main purpose of Club Penguin Game Day is too conquer all of the zones as each different team. If you start out with Team Blue, your goal is to conquer all of the rooms by competing against Team Green, Yellow, and Red. You can conquer zones in Story Mode by tapping on a referee in each room.
You compete in a series of 4 different games to be able to conquer a zone. If you do good in mostly all of the games, you will be able to conquer it! But, there is also a final challenge after you compete in the series of 4 games. The final challenge will help determine if the other team keeps their zone or if you get to conquer it!
Club Penguin Game Day Cheats
Conquering zones can earn you more in-game rewards such as more games, more unlockables in the Penguin Style catalog, and more zones to conquer!

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